Monday, January 21, 2013

     As someone who grew up with a father who was a principal and a mother who was a teacher, the importance of a strong education was always a central theme during my childhood.  That being said, I never envisioned myself going into “the family business” and deciding to pursue a career as an educator.  All that changed about three years ago, when my corporate job started to feel hollow and empty.  Sure, the money was good…great even, but a white-collar job where I spent most of my life in front of a computer monitor (two per desk actually) with little impact on my community or future generations ultimately left me in search of something more rewarding.  As we all know, breaking from the routines of life is never an easy undertaking, and the friendships I had built with my co-workers made leaving the corporate world to return to college more difficult than I had expected.  After wavering for a while, I finally decided to rip the band-aid off and follow my heart (and family) into the field of teaching.  Three years later, I am currently immersed in the Elementary Ed. program at SCSU.  Focused on this new career path, I have created a blog where prospective teachers (or experienced educators, or anyone with an interest in education) can share ideas and opinions on the art and science (research based, of course) of teaching.

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